Getting your Stripe account set up as a business

If you're a business that has signed up on our website and would like to receive funds, you'll need to create an account with Stripe through our platform. You will create the Stripe Express Account directly through our website. (Please do not create a new account on as it will be a standard account that's not connected to our platform.)

To begin, you'll want to make sure you have the correct information on hand before jumping in. In order to set up a fully verified Stripe Account, you will be asked for information that proves you are associated with the charity and that your organization is a charity.

You'll need to...

  • Know and provide your Business Tax ID
  • Assign a company representative (this is the person who controls the Stripe account)
  • Have a bank account that matches the legal entity tied to the account 
  • Provide verification information that Stripe requests

To add a payment method, please follow the steps below:

Go to your dashboard and click on the Add a payment method button.

Click Setup payment with Stripe.

Go through the Stripe set up process.
You're set to receive donations! You can view your Stripe account at any time by visiting the payment details page by clicking on Add a payment method and then clicking View your Stripe account.