How to add a livestream of the funeral service
Setting up a livestream for a funeral service might seem daunting, but it can be well worth it if you have family and friends that cannot attend the service in person. This guide will go into how to set up a livestream for a funeral service using YouTube.
Some things to note before you get started on YouTube:
- You cannot livestream using a mobile device on YouTube (such as a phone or tablet) unless you have at least 1,000 subscribers. In this guide we will be covering how to livestream using a computer with a webcam.
- You must opt in to your stream 24 hours before the actual event takes place.
- If you run into any technical issues setting up the stream, you'll need to reference YouTube's Help Center or contact their Support Team.
Setting up your Livestream - YouTube
- 1
- Go to and either log into your account or create a new account.
- 2
- Visit your settings page. (Click your image in the top right corner)
- 3
- If you already have a channel, click 'Channel status and features'. If you don't, click Add Channel and then click 'Channel status and features'.
- 4
- Enable live streaming. Be sure to do this more than 24 hours before the event, as YouTube has a 24 waiting period before you can stream.
- 5
- Once the 24 hour waiting period has passed, click the small camera button at the top-right of the YouTube website. In the menu that appears, "Go live." this will open the YouTube Studio.
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From inside the YouTube Studio interface, you can enter the name for your stream, choose its visibility (we recommend Public or Unlisted; Private will not work).

Setting up your Livestream - Facebook
- 1
On your desktop, click Create Post > Live Video.
- 2
This will take you to the options screen where you can select your camera and microphone options. You can change the privacy of the stream by click on Public / Private to the left.
- 3
Click on the Stream tab under Settings and copy the embed code, you'll use the embed code to embed the stream on our website.
- 4
- Note: If you are attempting this on mobile, you will follow the same steps and you'll start a live stream. In order to grab the embed code, you will need to have the stream already going, and you'll need to copy the embed code on a desktop or computer, you will not be able to find the embed code on the mobile app. You can find the embed code by clicking the three dots next to the video and clicking the embed button.
- 5
Paste the embed code in the Event Details section on Ever Loved, more information at the bottom of this doc.
Note: Facebook embed codes are DIFFERENT than Facebook post URLs. You will receive an error if you attempt to use the URL directly to the post, you will need to find the embed code (as described in the steps above) in order to embed the stream. Embed codes will not look like a typical Facebook post URL, they will look like code.
Next step: Adding the stream to your Ever Loved Website
- 1
Head to your Management Dashboard.
- 2
Click on the Events & RSVPs tab.
- 3
Scroll to your event and heck the checkbox next to 'I'd like to live stream this event so people can watch it online.' and paste the URL or embed code to your livestream.
- 4
Click the Save button to save the event.
- 5
To view your livestream, anyone can click 'Watch Now' next to the event and will be taken to a video of the event on your Events page. You can invite them to your events page directly by copying the URL at the top of the page.
- The following instructions are for users who are on a mobile device and need to add a livestream to their memorial websites.
Adding a live stream on mobile
- 1
Head to your Management Dashboard.
- 2
Tap on the Events & RSVPs section on your menu.
- 3
Scroll down and select the box next to "I'd like to livestream this event." and add the link to your stream. (If you don't have a link ready yet, you can leave it blank for now, but be sure to update this before the service to avoid any missing links or confusion.)
- 4
Tap the Save button to save your changes.
- 5
You can share the link to the Funeral Events page where people can watch the livestream when it's up.