How to add photos to your memorial website

Adding photos to your memorial website is not only recommended, it's really easy. Even if you don't have many photos, you're able to choose from Ever Loved's photo library as well as upload you're own.

Step 1: Go to the 'About' section of Edit Mode

Step 2: Click Change Photos

Step 3: Select your layout

You can select a photo layout of two, five, or eight photos. These photos are your primary photos and will be displayed at the top of your memorial website. (Have more than eight photos to share? Simply upload the rest to the Memories tab of your memorial website!)

Step 4: Remove default photos

Delete stock/default photos by clicking the X in the left-hand corner.

Step 5: Add photos

Click 'Add photos' to add your own photos.

Step 6: Upload your photos

You can upload photos from your device, from Facebook, Instagram, or choose stock photos from Ever Loved's photo library.

Step 7: Crop your photos

If you'd like to, you can crop the photos you've uploaded by clicking the crop button in the top right hand corner.

Step 7.5: Save your crops

If you've chosen to crop your photos, click the 'Crop' icon in order to save your changes. You can zoom out and zoom in using the + and - signs in the top left of the cropping window.

Step 8: Save changes

Click the 'Save changes' button to save your uploaded photos. You can change these photos at any time by clicking the change photos icon!